This document describes contents of version up from GHL 3.4.2 to GHL 3.4.3.
example: ghlv3/examples/offset/ofst_srf.c
gh2rqtNew creates a quadtree gh2rqtDispose disposes a quadtree gh2rqtGetMemSize gets size of memory areas being used by a quadtree gh2rqtGetExtent gets geometrical extent of a quadtree gh2rqtGetPixLevel gets pixel level of a quadtree gh2rqtGetRoot gets root quadrant of a quadtree gh2rqtIntersect rids a quadtree of intersections with a curve gh2rqtHasIntersection judges whether a quadtree and a curve intersect or not gh2rqtMakeCCL makes CCL in a quadtree gh2rqtClearCCL removes CCL in a quadtree gh2rqtCountComponents gets the number of CCLs in a quadtree gh2rqtGetQuadComponent gets CCL which a quadrant belongs to gh2rqtQuadDivide divides a quadrant gh2rqtQuadMergeIfP merges subtree of a quadrant if possible gh2rqtQuadMergeIfP2 merges subtree of a quadrant if possible (type 2) gh2rqtQuadIsLeaf gets whether a quadrant is leaf or not gh2rqtQuadIsPixel gets whether a quadrant is pixel or not gh2rqtQuadSetValue sets specified value on a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetValue gets value of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadSetApplData1 sets specified value on application data 1 of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadSetApplData2 sets specified value on application data 2 of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetApplData1 gets value of application data 1 of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetApplData2 gets value of application data 2 of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetChild gets specified child of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetExtent gets geometrical extent of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetLevel gets level of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetMother gets parent of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGetTree gets a quadtree which a quadrant belongs to gh2rqtQuadGetType gets type of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadGtEqEdgeNeighbor gets edge neighbor of a quadtree gh2rqtQuadGtEqVrtxNeighbor gets vertex neighbor of a quadtree gh2rqtQuadTraverse traverses subtree of a quadrant gh2rqtQuadTraverse2 traverses subtree of a quadrant (type 2) gh2rqtQuadHasIntersection judges whether a quadrant and a curve intersect or not gh2rqtSetOpIntersection gets intersection between two aligned quadtrees gh2rqtSetOpUnion gets union between two aligned quadtrees gh2rqtSetOpSubtraction gets sutraction between two aligned quadtrees gh2rqtSerialize serializes a quadtree gh2rqtUnserialize un-serializes a quadtree gh2rqtAllcSerializedQuadtree allocates memory areas for a serialized quadtree gh2rqtFreeSerializedQuadtree frees memory areas for a serialized quadtree gh2rqtConvCCrv converts a region enclosed by a closed curve into a quadtree gh2ofstCmcCmcByBzc3 finds a composite curve which approximates an offset of a composite curve (official version, type 3) gh2ofstCmcCmcByBsc3 finds a composite curve which approximates an offset of a composite curve (official version, type 3) gh2jdgwCCmc judges the sense of rotation of a closed composite curve
gh3aprcBss_Rev2 approximates points by a bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 1, improved) gh3aprcBss2_Rev2 approximates points by a bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 2, improved) gh3aprcBss3_Rev2 approximates points by a bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 3, improved) gh3aprcBss32_Rev2 approximates points by a bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 3-2, improved) gh3aprcBss4_Rev2 approximates points by a bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 4, improved) gh3aprcBss42_Rev2 approximates points by a bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 4-2, improved) gh3aprcCBss_Rev2 approximates points by a closed bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 1, improved) gh3aprcCBss2_Rev2 approximates points by a closed bi-cubic Bspline surface in the given precision (type 2, gh3ofstPntBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a point (type 3) gh3ofstPntBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a point (type 3) gh3ofstLinBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a line (type 3) gh3ofstCirBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a circle (type 3) gh3ofstEllBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a ellipse (type 3) gh3ofstParBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a parabola (type 3) gh3ofstHypBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a hyperbola (type 3) gh3ofstBzcBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a bezier curve (type 3) gh3ofstBscBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a Bspline curve (type 3) gh3ofstRBzcBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a rational bezier curve (type 3) gh3ofstRBscBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a rational Bspline curve (type 3) gh3ofstTrcBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a trimmed curve (type 3) gh3ofstLinBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a line (type 3) gh3ofstCirBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a circle (type 3) gh3ofstEllBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a ellipse (type 3) gh3ofstParBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a parabola (type 3) gh3ofstHypBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a hyperbola (type 3) gh3ofstBzcBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a bezier curve (type 3) gh3ofstBscBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a Bspline curve (type 3) gh3ofstRBzcBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a rational bezier curve (type 3) gh3ofstRBscBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a rational Bspline curve (type 3) gh3ofstTrcBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a trimmed curve (type 3) gh3ofstPlnBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a plane (type 3) gh3ofstSphBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a sphere (type 3) gh3ofstCylBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a cylinder (type 3) gh3ofstConBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a cone (type 3) gh3ofstBzsBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a bezier surface (type 3) gh3ofstBssBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a bspline surface (type 3) gh3ofstRBzsBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a rational bezier surface (type 3) gh3ofstRBssBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a rational Bspline surface (type 3) gh3ofstLesBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a linear extrusion surface (type 3) gh3ofstRvsBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a revolution surface (type 3) gh3ofstRtsBzs3 finds a bezier surface which approximates an offset of a rectangular trimmed surface (type 3 gh3ofstPlnBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a plane (type 3) gh3ofstSphBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a sphere (type 3) gh3ofstCylBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a cylinder (type 3) gh3ofstConBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a cone (type 3) gh3ofstBzsBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a bezier surface (type 3) gh3ofstBssBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a Bspline surface (type 3) gh3ofstRBzsBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a rational bezier surface (type 3) gh3ofstRBssBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a rational Bspline surface (type 3) gh3ofstLesBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a linear extrusion surface (type 3) gh3ofstRvsBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a revolution surface (type 3) gh3ofstRtsBss3 finds a Bspline surface which approximates an offset of a rectangular trimmed surface (type 3)
Naotake KAKISHITA Toru HASEGAWA Zitao XU Nobuyuki SHIKANO Hideaki ITO
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