GHL 3.4.7 patch 01 Release Note

This document describes about the contents of patch 01 for GHL 3.4.7.

Revised spec

Function: [3D] gh3convCbsSTri_Rev2(), gh3convCbsSTri2_Rev2()
The Rev2 functions tend to create too-many triangles for the trimmed surfaces that basis surfaces are rather thin. So, gh3convCbsSTri_Rev2() and gh3convCbsSTri2_Rev2() have been revised to call the original Rev1 functions gh3convCbsSTri() and gh3convCbsSTri2() internally for such surfaces instead of processing the surfaces themselves. This Rev1-calling is applied only if the basis surface is of Bspline.

Fixed bugs

Function: [3D] gh3ofstBscBss2(), gh3ofstRBscBss2(), gh3ofstBscBss3(), gh3ofstRBscBss3()
Twisted surfaces are returned for curves which have portion of straight line.

Function: [3D] Intersection functions for freeform surfaces
Incomplete intersections are returned for small and/or thin surfaces when the value of Gh__3intsSrfFfs_BzsOverlapTol is not small (including the default value).

Function: [3D] Shortest distance functions
Incorrect results are returned when GH__LMT_TOL is rather large.

Function: [3D] Shortest distance functions
If the given two geometry elements have nearly parallel portion with each other, the functions return inexact results.

Function: [3D] gh3intpCBsc(), gh3intpCBss(), gh3intpCBssC2()
These fuctions make the process down. (only in Version 3.4.7)

Function: [2D] Length functions for freeform curves gh2leng*()
Incorrect values are returned for the curves which have singular points.

Function: [3D] Length functions for freeform curves gh3leng*()
Incorrect values are returned for the curves which have singular points.

Function: [3D] gh3convCbsSTri_Rev2(), gh3convCbsSTri2_Rev2()
Incorrect results are returned for the trimmed surfaces which have two or more holes.

Function: [3D] Shortest distance functions between curves and surfaces
Incorrect results are returned.

Function: [2D] gh2idntOPrmOPrm()
Infinite recursive calls occur in the function.

Function: [3D] gh3idntOPrmOPrm()
Infinite recursive calls occur in the function.

Function: [3D] gh3convCbsSTri_Rev2(), gh3convCbsSTri2_Rev2()
Incorrect results are returned for the trimmed surfaces which have portion of large curvature.

Function: [2D] gh2inckPntCCmc()
Incorrect results are returned for a certain combination of points and closed composite curves.

Function: [3D] Intersection functions for freeform surfaces
Incorrect results are returned for small and thin surfaces.

Function: [3D] Intersection functions for quadric surfaces and freeform surfaces
Incorrect results are returned.

Function: [3D] gh3intsPlnCon()
bus error occurs at the point of reducing a circle to a point when 'r_paramA' or 'r_paramB' is NULL.

Function: [2D] gh2projPntEll()
Incorrect results are returned for the ellipses that x_radius and y_radius are largely different.

File: [3D] ghlv3/src/3d/elmcrtn/gh3hndlStri.c
Some internal functions are defined as external.

File: [--] ghlv3/src/util/gh_utilNtre.c
Some internal functions are defined as external.
We greatly appreciate your questions and reports about GHL's behavior. Thank you very much.

GHL is being brought you by following people

Nobuyuki SHIKANO
Hideaki ITO

Thank you for your continued support!

Copyright (c) 2004 Precision Modeling Laboratory,Inc., Tokyo, Japan. All Rights Reserved.