This document describes contents of version up from GHL 3.4.7 to GHL 3.4.8.
gh1allcCrv allocates a memory area of curve gh1copyCrv copies a curve gh1defnCrv define a curve gh1freeCrv frees a memory area of curve
gh2aprcBsc_Rev3 approximates points by a cubic Bspline curve in the given precision (type 1, improved) gh2clgpCPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a "closed" sequence of points (chord length) gh2clgpPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a sequence of points (chord length) gh2cnctBsc connects two Bspline curves gh2cnctRBsc connects two rational Bspline curves gh2convBscLsg2 convert a Bspline curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convBscRBzcL convert a specified section of a Bspline curve into rational bezier curve gh2convBzcLsg2 convert a bezier curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convBzcRBzcL convert a specified section of a bezier curve into rational bezier curve gh2convCirLsg2 convert a circle by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convCirRBzcL convert a specified section of a circle into rational bezier curve gh2convCmcLsg2 convert a composite curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convCrvLsg2 convert a curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convCrvRBzcL convert a specified section of a curve into rational bezier curve gh2convEllLsg2 convert a ellipse by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convEllRBzcL convert a specified section of a ellipse into rational bezier curve gh2convHypLsg2 convert a hyperbola by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convHypRBzcL convert a specified section of a hyperbola into rational bezier curve gh2convLinLsg2 convert a line by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convLinRBzcL convert a specified section of a line into rational bezier curve gh2convLsgLsg2 convert a line segment by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convLsgRBzcL convert a specified section of a line segment into rational bezier curve gh2convParLsg2 convert a parabola by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convParRBzcL convert a specified section of a parabola into rational bezier curve gh2convRBscLsg2 convert a rational Bspline curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convRBscRBzcL convert a specified section of a rational Bspline curve into rational bezier curve gh2convRBzcLsg2 convert a rational bezier curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convRBzcRBzcL convert a specified section of a rational bezier curve into rational bezier curve gh2convRCrvLsg convert a curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convRCrvLsg2 convert a curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convRCrvRBsc convert a specified section of a curve into rational Bspline curve gh2convRCrvRBzc convert a specified section of a curve into rational bezier curve gh2convRCrvRBzcL convert a specified section of a curve into rational bezier curve gh2convTrcLsg2 convert a trimmed curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh2convTrcRBzcL convert a specified section of a trimmed curve into rational bezier curve gh2copyCrv copies a curve gh2copyPntS copies an array of points gh2ctrpCPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a "closed" sequence of points (centripetal) gh2ctrpPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a sequence of points (centripetal) gh2defnCrv define a curve gh2defnTrc2 defines a trimmed curve gh2exchBscBzcL converts a Bspline curve into a sequence of Bezier curves gh2exchRBscRBzcL converts a rational Bspline curve into a sequence of rational Bezier curves gh2freeIntsCrvCrvL frees intersection info. gh2freeNormCrvCrvL frees common normal info. gh2freeProjPntCrvL frees projection info. gh2freeTangCrvCrvL frees common tangent info. gh2freeTangPntCrvL frees tangent line info. gh2gtdmCrv obtains a parametric domain of a curve gh2intsCrvCrvL obtains intersections between two curves gh2intsRCrvRCrvL obtains intersections between two curves gh2normCrvCrvL obtains common normals between two curves gh2normRCrvRCrvL obtains common normals between two curves gh2projPntCrvL projects a point to a curve gh2projPntRCrvL projects a point to a curve gh2rmvcCmc removes a trimmed curve from a composite curve gh2rmvcCmc2 removes a trimmed curve from a composite curve gh2tangCrvCrvL obtains common tangents between two curves gh2tangPntCrvL Get all the tangential points from a point to curve gh2tangPntRCrvL Get all the tangential points from a point to curve gh2tangRCrvRCrvL obtains common tangents between two curves
gh3aprcBsc_Rev3 approximates points by a cubic Bspline curve in the given precision (type 1, improved) gh3clgpCPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a "closed" sequence of points (chord length) gh3clgpPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a sequence of points (chord length) gh3cnctBsc connects two Bspline curves gh3cnctRBsc connects two rational Bspline curves gh3convBscLsg2 convert a Bspline curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convBscRBzcL convert a specified section of a Bspline curve into rational bezier curve gh3convBzcLsg2 convert a bezier curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convBzcRBzcL convert a specified section of a bezier curve into rational bezier curve gh3convCirLsg2 convert a circle by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convCirRBzcL convert a specified section of a circle into rational bezier curve gh3convCmcLsg2 convert a composite curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convCrvLsg2 convert a curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convCrvRBzcL convert a specified section of a curve into rational bezier curve gh3convEllLsg2 convert a ellipse by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convHypLsg2 convert a hyperbola by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convHypRBzcL convert a specified section of a hyperbola into rational bezier curve gh3convLinLsg2 convert a line by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convLinRBzcL convert a specified section of a line into rational bezier curve gh3convLsgLsg2 convert a line segment by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convLsgRBzcL convert a specified section of a line segment into rational bezier curve gh3convParLsg2 convert a parabola by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convParRBzcL convert a specified section of a parabola into rational bezier curve gh3convRBscLsg2 convert a ratioanal Bspline curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convRBscRBzcL convert a specified section of a rational Bspline curve into rational bezier curve gh3convRBzcLsg2 convert a rational bezier curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convRBzcRBzcL convert a specified section of a rational bezier curve into rational bezier curve gh3convRCrvLsg convert a curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convRCrvLsg2 convert a curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convRCrvRBsc convert a specified section of a curve into rational Bspline curve gh3convRCrvRBzc convert a specified section of a curve into rational bezier curve gh3convRCrvRBzcL convert a specified section of a curve into rational bezier curve gh3convTrcLsg2 convert a trimmed curve by straight lines approximately into a sequence of points gh3convTrcRBzcL convert a specified section of a trimmed curve into rational bezier curve gh3copyCrv copies a curve gh3copyPntS copies an array of points gh3copySrf copies a surface gh3ctrpCPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a "closed" sequence of points (centripetal) gh3ctrpPnt2 assigns a sequence of parameters for a sequence of points (centripetal) gh3defnCrv define a curve gh3defnSrf defines a surface gh3defnTrc2 defines a trimmed curve gh3exchBscBzcL converts a Bspline curve into a sequence of Bezier curves gh3exchBssBzsL converts a Bspline surface into a sequence of Bezier surfaces gh3exchRBscRBzcL converts a rational Bspline curve into a sequence of rational Bezier curves gh3exchRBssRBzsL converts a rational Bspline surface into a sequence of rational Bezier surfaces gh3freeIntsCrvCrvL frees intersection info. gh3freeIntsCrvSrfL frees intersection info. gh3freeIntsSrfSrfL frees intersection info. gh3freeProjPntCrvL frees projection info. gh3freeProjPntSrfL frees projection info. gh3gtdmCrv obtains a parametric domain of a curve gh3gtdmSrf obtains a parametric domain of a surface gh3intsCrvCrvL obtains intersections between two curves gh3intsCrvSrfL obtains intersections between a curve and a surface gh3intsRCrvRCrvL obtains intersections between two curves gh3intsRCrvRSrfL obtains intersections between a curve and a surface gh3intsRSrfRSrfL obtains intersections between two surfaces gh3intsSrfSrfL obtains intersections between two surfaces gh3projPntCrvL projects a point to a curve gh3projPntRCrvL projects a point to a curve gh3projPntRSrfL projects a point to a surface gh3projPntSrfL projects a point to a surface gh3rmvcCmc removes a trimmed curve from a composite curve gh3rmvcCmc2 removes a trimmed curve from a composite curve
gh_copyDblS copy an array of Gh_Double gh_copyIntS copy an array of Gh_Int gh_lstmFree2 disposes a list gh_lstmGetRmvNPgProc returns the function to delete nodes gh_lstmRmvN2 removes a node from a list gh_lstmSetRmvNPgProc sets a function to delete nodes gh_prntGtPrntUicp get the flag for printing uicp and v_uicp values gh_prntStPrntUicp set the flag for printing uicp and v_uicp values
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